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A Comprehensive Guide to Installing Submersible Level Transmitters

by:BOQU     2024-01-01

A Comprehensive Guide to Installing Submersible Level Transmitters

Understanding Submersible Level Transmitters and Their Importance in Various Industries

Submersible level transmitters are invaluable devices used in various industries to measure liquid levels accurately. These compact instruments are submersible, making them suitable for installation in tanks, wells, boreholes, and other liquid containment systems. Designed to withstand harsh environments, submersible level transmitters are often made of robust materials such as stainless steel or titanium.

These devices play a crucial role in industries like wastewater management, oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, and food processing. They provide crucial data that helps organizations monitor fluid levels, maintain optimal processes, prevent equipment damage, and ensure regulatory compliance. Installing submersible level transmitters correctly is paramount for obtaining reliable measurements and maximizing their effectiveness.

Key Factors to Consider Before Installation

Before installing submersible level transmitters, it is essential to consider several factors to ensure accurate measurements and longevity. Here are some vital aspects to evaluate before beginning the installation process:

1. Application Requirements: Identify the specific requirements of your application, such as measuring range, operating pressure, temperature range, and the type of liquid being monitored. This information will help you select the appropriate submersible level transmitter model that suits your needs.

2. Mounting Options: Evaluate the mounting options available based on the application. Determine if you will install the transmitter directly into the tank or use a stilling well or a pipe. Select the most suitable option for your installation scenario.

3. Liquid Compatibility: Confirm the compatibility of the submersible level transmitter with the liquid being measured. Different liquids may have varying corrosive properties, and selecting a compatible material for the transmitter construction will ensure longevity.

4. Electrical Requirements: Assess the electrical requirements for the installation, such as power supply availability, signal output compatibility, and any specific wiring or grounding requirements. Prepare the necessary electrical connections to facilitate accurate data transmission.

5. Installation Environment: Consider the environmental conditions surrounding the installation site, including temperature, humidity, and potential exposure to chemicals or other harsh elements. Adequate knowledge of the environment will help determine the appropriate protection and sealing measures needed for the transmitter.

Installation Procedure Step-by-Step

Now that you understand the crucial factors, it's time to proceed with the submersible level transmitter installation. Follow the step-by-step process outlined below for a successful and hassle-free installation:

1. Select an Installation Point: Locate the ideal position inside the tank or liquid containment system where the submersible level transmitter will be mounted. Ensure it is easily accessible and provides an accurate representation of the liquid level.

2. Prepare the Installation Site: Clean the area around the chosen installation point, removing any debris, sediment, or obstructions that may affect the level measurement or the performance of the transmitter.

3. Mounting the Transmitter: Depending on the mounting option chosen, carefully lower the submersible level transmitter into the tank or attach it to the stilling well or pipe. Ensure a secure and tight fit to prevent any leaks or movement that could affect measurements.

4. Electrical Connections: Connect the electrical wires of the transmitter to the appropriate power source and data acquisition system. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and ensure proper grounding to eliminate potential electrical interference.

5. Calibration and Testing: After the physical installation, calibrate the submersible level transmitter according to the manufacturer's specifications. Perform thorough testing to verify accurate readings and proper functionality. Adjust if necessary.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips

Maintaining submersible level transmitters is essential to ensure their longevity and reliable performance. Here are some maintenance tips to follow:

1. Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the submersible level transmitter for any signs of damage, corrosion, or leaks. Replace any worn-out or damaged parts promptly.

2. Cleaning: Clean the transmitter exterior and the surrounding area to remove any accumulated dirt, debris, or sediment. This will ensure accurate measurements and prevent potential interference.

3. Calibration Checks: Regularly recalibrate the submersible level transmitter to ensure precise measurements. Follow the recommended calibration intervals specified by the manufacturer.

In the event of any issues or inconsistencies, consider the following troubleshooting tips:

1. Check Electrical Connections: Verify the electrical connections to ensure they are properly secured and not loose. Loose connections can cause intermittent readings or complete transmitter failure.

2. Review Environment Conditions: Evaluate any changes in the installation environment, such as temperature variations or exposure to chemicals, which can affect the performance of the submersible level transmitter.

3. Consult Manufacturer Support: If troubleshooting steps don't resolve the issue, reach out to the manufacturer's support team for guidance and assistance. They can provide expert advice and troubleshooting specific to their product.


Installing submersible level transmitters is a crucial task that requires careful consideration and adherence to best practices. By understanding the application requirements, evaluating key factors, following the installation process, and performing regular maintenance, you can ensure accurate measurements and long-term reliability of your submersible level transmitters.

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