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Analysis on the Influence of Nitrogen Pollution in Water on Natural Environment

by:BOQU     2023-03-18
Domestic sewage ammonia nitrogen pollution is mainly toilet flushing sewage, laundry, rice washing, vegetable washing, and bathing wastewater. The sewage generated in the process of human life is one of the main pollution sources of water bodies. Mainly feces and washing sewage. The amount of domestic sewage discharged by each person in the city is 150-400L per day, which is closely related to the living standard. Domestic sewage contains a large amount of organic matter, such as cellulose, starch, sugar and fatty protein; it also often contains pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs; inorganic salts such as chloride, sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate and sodium, Potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. The general feature is high nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus content, and under the action of anaerobic bacteria, it is easy to generate odorous substances. Domestic sewage ammonia nitrogen pollution is mainly toilet flushing sewage, laundry, rice washing, vegetable washing, and bathing wastewater. The sewage generated in the process of human life is one of the main pollution sources of water bodies. Mainly feces and washing sewage. The amount of domestic sewage discharged by each person in the city is 150-400L per day, which is closely related to the living standard. Domestic sewage contains a large amount of organic matter, such as cellulose, starch, sugar and fatty protein; it also often contains pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs; inorganic salts such as chloride, sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate and sodium, Potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. The general feature is high nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus content, and under the action of anaerobic bacteria, it is easy to generate odorous substances. Eutrophication is a water pollution phenomenon caused by excessive plant nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems can occur in two ways through chemical pollutants: one through the increase in the amount of inorganic nutrients that normally limit plants; the other through the increase in organic matter that acts as decomposers. Acid, alkali, and salt pollution Acid and alkali pollution change the pH of the water body, destroy its buffering effect, eliminate or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, hinder the self-purification of the water body, and corrode bridges, ships, and fishing gear. Acids and alkalis often enter the same water body at the same time, and some salts can be produced after neutralization. From the perspective of pH value, acid and alkali pollution are self-purified due to neutralization, but various salts are produced, which become new pollutants in the water body. pollutants. Because the increase of inorganic salt can increase the osmotic pressure of water, which has adverse effects on the growth of freshwater organisms and plants. In salinized areas, the salt in surface water and groundwater will further harm the soil quality.
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