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my country's first criminal case of 'COD remover' interfering with automatic monitoring facilities was pronounced

by:BOQU     2023-03-25
On the morning of June 2, the environmental pollution case of Changxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. and Xia, which was prosecuted by the Huzhou City Procuratorate, was heard in the Huzhou City Intermediate People's Court. Huzhou Municipal Procuratorate Party Secretary and Chief Prosecutor Huang Hui appeared in court to support the prosecution, and Huzhou Intermediate People's Court Party Secretary and President Du Qian served as the presiding judge. Leaders of the Municipal People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference attended the trial. Defendant Xia Moumou was sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for one year and six months, and fined 20,000 yuan. The prosecutor also said that the addition of 'COD remover' in sewage treatment caused losses to environmental pollution. At present, they have entrusted the Zhejiang Provincial Academy of Eco-Environmental Sciences to conduct an assessment, and the next step is to file a civil public interest lawsuit. This case is the first domestic criminal case in which 'COD remover' interferes with automatic monitoring facilities. [Case] ​​Reducing COD in sewage, that is, chemical oxygen demand, is one of the main responsibilities of urban sewage treatment plants. The higher the COD, the more serious the pollution of organic matter in the water body. degradation method, etc. An environmental protection technology company in Changxing interfered with automatic monitoring facilities by purchasing so-called 'COD removers' and adding them to the end of sewage treatment. Changxingan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was originally a key pollutant discharge unit determined by the Huzhou Ecological Environment Bureau. From March 2019 to May 2020, exceed the water pollutant discharge standard or exceed the total discharge control of key water pollutants for three consecutive times. The Huzhou Ecological Environment Bureau fined more than 1.2 million yuan for the discharge of water pollutants up to the standard. As a unit of 'benefit', from December 2020 to January 2021, the company purchased 'COD remover' from a chemical company in Changxing seven times. Xia Moumou, the directly responsible supervisor of the company, personally or organized and instructed the company's employees to add 'COD remover' at the end of sewage treatment in violation of regulations. It has been identified that the main component of this 'COD remover' is sodium chlorate, which cannot really remove COD in water, but only interferes with the measurement process of online monitoring facilities, resulting in low measurement results. On the evening of May 12, 2021, Xing Branch of Huzhou Ecological Environment Bureau conducted an on-site inspection of Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Illegal dosing was found at the scene. On December 30, 2021, the Changxing County Public Security Bureau transferred the investigation and prosecution to the Changxing County Procuratorate. In accordance with the provisions of this Law and the 'Detailed Rules for the Handling of Ecological Criminal Cases of the Huzhou Procuratorate', in view of the great social impact of this case and the fact that it is a new type of case, the Huzhou Procuratorate has made a decision to upgrade the case. On May 11, 2022, the Changxing County Procuratorate reported to the Municipal Procuratorate for review and prosecution. On May 17, 2022, the Huzhou Municipal Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Huzhou Intermediate People's Court for the crime of environmental pollution. After accepting the case, Huzhou Procuratorate Party Secretary and Chief Prosecutor Huang Hui reviewed all the case files and verified all the facts and evidence of the case. On May 13, the case handling team inspected and verified the evidence of Changxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. at the scene of the crime, and summoned the defendant Xia Moumou.
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