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There are three main types of measurement methods for sewage TOC total organic carbon analyzers

by:BOQU     2023-03-28
Sewage TOC Total Organic Carbon Analyzer refers to the instrument used to measure the total organic carbon (TOC) in the solution. The principle of its determination is that the organic carbon in the solution is oxidized and converted into carbon dioxide, and the content of carbon dioxide is measured by the detector after eliminating the interfering substances. Using the carbon content correspondence between carbon dioxide and total organic carbon, the total organic carbon in the solution is quantitatively determined. There are three main types of measurement methods for sewage TOC total organic carbon analyzers. Wet oxidation-non-dispersive infrared detection, this method is to treat the sample to be tested with phosphoric acid before the sample is oxidized by acidic potassium persulfate, and measure the concentration of TOC after removing inorganic carbon. However, wet oxidation is not sufficient for the oxidation of water containing high molecular weight compounds such as humic acid. UV-wet oxidation-non-dispersive infrared detection, this method is the synergistic effect of UV oxidation and wet oxidation, for complex water bodies with high TOC content that cannot be used by UV oxidation, the synergy of the two can measure heavily polluted Water body. High-temperature catalytic combustion oxidation-non-dispersive infrared detection. The organic carbon in the sample is converted into carbon dioxide under high-temperature catalytic oxidation conditions and then detected by non-dispersive infrared (NDIR). Because the high-temperature combustion is relatively thorough, it is suitable for heavily polluted water bodies or complex water bodies. However, the influence of the high salt content of the sample on the determination results needs to be considered. In addition, ultraviolet oxidation-non-dispersive infrared detection, electrical resistance method, ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, conductometric method and other methods have not been used in the field of soil science due to poor stability or incomplete oxidation of granular and high molecular weight organic matter. When processing soil and sediment samples into solution samples, it is necessary to consider the processing of floating or sinkable solid substances of a certain particle size.
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